
Overview 2018-02-22T22:20:00+00:00

Best practices to improve your game

Successful financial advisors and high-performing professional athletes share one common trait: they continuously emulate the best practices of others in their field to master their game.

The ideas we present in this section are designed to offer financial advisors a taste of some of our very best ideas. The strategies and tactics we recommend are based on many years of experience of working with and observing some of the most successful financial advisors serving high-net-worth clients today.


Read the articles, test out the ideas, and experience success

Three steps to start building a powerful center-of-influence network

In a time when multiple referral platforms are required for profitable growth, it’s imperative for financial advisors to accelerate their referral-building efforts by proactively creating a powerful center-of-influence network.

Whether you’re just getting started or have a network already in place that you want to develop further, several initial steps can help you sharpen the focus and efficiency required to cultivate relationships with those who are most likely to provide coveted introductions.  Read more  >


Five practical principles for financial advisors to win business

Continued economic and market uncertainty is making it harder for financial advisors to win new business. For investors, choosing an advisor comes down to trust. Building trust always requires time and effort, but now the process is even more difficult.

The good news is that financial advisors who focus on building supportive relationships with prospective clients will be able to prosper, now and in the future. Investors will choose to work with advisors they trust, regardless of market conditions.  Read more  >


Inspire client trust by delivering clear, insightful investment communications

Client loyalty is essential for sustainable, profitable growth. Studies across a range of industries have shown that it is five to seven times more profitable to retain an existing client than to add a new one.
[1] To retain clients, you must cultivate loyalty. And to cultivate loyalty, you must build trust.

One of the best ways to build trust is to consistently deliver clear, insightful investment communications. This brief article will tell you how to accomplish that most effectively utilizing your quarterly performance report and your off-cycle investment communications.  Read more  >


How to build loyalty through the annual client review: Four questions all advisors must ask their clients
In today’s economic climate, even experienced financial advisors are finding it difficult to attract new investors. More than usual, successful firms are growing their businesses at the expense of less successful firms. Successful advisors are courting and winning over clients who are dissatisfied with their current advisors.

That’s why, if you want to be successful, you must focus on cultivating client loyalty. In today’s highly competitive marketplace, you’ll never be able to grow your business if you’re losing clients. Read more  >

[1] “Companies Don’t Succeed—People Do!”, Graham Roberts-Phelps